Kristina Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I honestly cannot remember the last time I made a New Year's Resolution. I'm not a big New Year's girl (I usually just hang out with friends) and everyone I know who sets them usually breaks them within a few months.

All that said, I'm trying it out this year. I figured that with the big changes coming this year (hopefully I'll be moving and in a job after I graduate in April) it was time to give it a try.

My resolutions this year are:
1) Blog more (and with some regularity).
2) Say no more.

On that first point, I read blogs much more often than I write them and I'd like to change that. I want to improve my writing and I'm a big believer in practicing. I originally started this blog to post about political topics (and have done some of that) but my goal is to just post about everything and anything to get some practice. This semester will be crazy (school, my new internship, work, all these damn weddings) but I'm going to aim for updating at least twice a week.

The second resolution will no doubt be more difficult for me. I am one of those people who feels guilty about everything (thanks Catholic church!) and hates to tell people no. I always want to help people and make them happy and have a very hard timing not doing everything I am asked to do. Next month I will be starting my social welfare internship and I've heard again and again that the key to being an effective social worker is keeping yourself above water. I want to enjoy my last semester of undergrad while being productive and successful. I know that saying no when I am being stretched too thin means that I can be more productive and more helpful to others. The key will be figuring out the balance and getting rid of that silly guilt.

Anyone else making New Year's Resolutions?

1 comment:

lilnerdette said...

Hey there! I didn't know you had a blog. Fun! I think these are great resolutions, and two is enough! I don't do resolutions, but one of my goals would be to be more physically active, and of course, to blog more. I hope you have a fabulous 2011!

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