Kristina Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This week I got my "you're all set to graduate in April (as long as you pass the classes you're in now)!" email. I'm 10% freaked out, 20% thrilled to make "grown up" money (hopefully), 30% excited to be out of school for the first time in 18 years, %40 stressed about finding some kind of employment, and 100% pumped to be part of the "real world."

When I was a kid I wanted to be everything from a teacher to a lawyer to a pediatrician to a lawyer again. I went into college knowing I wanted to major in political science but having no idea what I could actually do with my degree. Two years ago I decided to minor in social welfare and started interning at various nonprofits and foundations.

My time at my internships has really been more influential in helping me decide what I want to do with my life than my actual schooling has. My current internship has really changed my focus and made me love something I thought I never would.

All that said, I started to look at job sites in January and felt very overwhelmed. My plan was to move to DC and find a job at a nonprofit, get some experience, then go back to school (hoping that those working years would help me figure out exactly what I wanted to study). Well...things have changed yet again.

Two years ago I interned in DC and read and heard a lot about the Peace Corps. I love the idea of the Peace Corps but not the reality of being alone in one place for two years. That led me to discover Americorps. Initially I though Vista was more my speed (working for an agency for a year through the program) but my time at my current internship has convinced me that I could actually handle City Year. A week or so ago when I started to look at application information for City Year, I stumbled across a new program called Food Corps.

All that said, I am currently working on both City Year and Food Corps apps and hoping this all works out.

Has anyone applied for Americorps programs? Tips? Good resources?