I've decided to start doing Things I Love Thursday for 2 reasons: it forces me to post on Thursdays and I enjoy reading other people's "things I love Thursday" posts.
Peterbooke Dark Chocolate Toffee
So, yeah, this is my work but I never liked toffee before I had this and now it's my favorite thing we sell!
The current Senate in adorable form. It gets hard when you start trying to tell the white, gray-haired men apart but it's fun.
My new watch! I got the black one for Christmas and even though it's cheap (I told my mom I wanted one after seeing them for $12 at Hallmark), I love it! I haven't worn a watch in years and years but I'm obsessed with this one!
Cory Booker
This man is everything that is good about politics. He's been using twitter to help his constituents get out from under all the snow they've received in NJ while the Governor of NJ is vacationing in Disney (no joke).
And finally, Jason Mraz and Tristan Prettyman.
Years ago, these two put this song out. And they just got engaged! I feel like I know both of them (but obviously I don't) so I feel like my good friends are getting married! haha
As I posted previously, this week's Change Your Life challenge is "Ditch and Donate."
I try to periodically clean out my closet and reorganize and/or donate my clothes because I find that many of my things get pushed to the back of my closet and never worn. I cheated a bit on this challenge and starting the day after Christmas (it officially began the 27th) because I needed to put my gifts and the things I bought that day (I mostly got gift cards).
Let me also say that I dream about (and often read blogs about), being a minimalist. Right now I know that there is no way I have the will power for that but I hope that one day (maybe when I'm finally living on my own) I can manage it.
That said, I love this challenge and am glad for the push to do. I love seeing the blogs and tweets of other people involved.
The first thing I did was to go through my closet and pull out the things I never wear and know I will not be wearing any time soon. I found shirts and sweaters that I bought years ago that still had tags on them! Some of the clothes got moved to the front of my closet but most headed to Goodwill. I took a very large garbage bag over there this week.
I didn't even think to take pictures until I was in a rush and about to leave to drop the clothes off at my local Goodwill. As I previously posted, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to blog more and I'm learning things like "take pictures of everything you might blog about" are important rules in the blogging world!
A few days after I cleaned out my closest I decided to go through my boxes. Let me take a second to example that I am a bit of a packrat. I hate to throw out anything with any sentimental or emotional value so I have shoe box full of junk dating back to junior high. I finally forced myself to throw away the Christmas and Birthday cards that date back to 2006 (we're not talking about cards with nice, memorable messages or anything, just generic cards that say "Happy Birthday! Love, so and so." I also found a monstrous stack of movie stubs and concert tickets. The concert tickets went all the way back to my first concert (no joke, it was BBmak in 1999) and the movie tickets went back as far as 2001. Just about everything from those boxes when into the recycling bin or the trash can as they (clearly) had no real value to anyone but me.
I mentioned this when commenting on Monica's blog but I'm becoming increasingly concerned that I am only one serious emotional trauma away from being on "Hoarders." (And I'm only joking a little on that one.)
I also cleaned out my desk but found little to throw away there. That turned into more of a reorganization challenge!
My room still feels a little cluttered but I am planning to continue to clean things out every month or so to work on that issue!
An awesome post about a great way to manage shopping and sale emails without being tempted to buy things you don't need from Katie.
If anyone is still questioning why I adore Jimmy Carter, read this article.
Read Cory Booker's twitter feed to understand why we need more politicians like him. (Or watch "Street Fight," dude's a rockstar).
A cat puts on a bunny hat. Seriously. Just watch it.
We have a crisis of leadership in America because our overwhelming power and wealth, earned under earlier generations of leaders, made us complacent, and for too long we have been training leaders who only know how to keep the routine going. Who can answer questions, but don’t know how to ask them. Who can fulfill goals, but don’t know how to set them. Who think about how to get things done, but not whether they’re worth doing in the first place. What we have now are the greatest technocrats the world has ever seen, people who have been trained to be incredibly good at one specific thing, but who have no interest in anything beyond their area of exper tise. What we don’t have are leaders.
What we don’t have, in other words, are thinkers. People who can think for themselves. People who can formulate a new direction: for the country, for a corporation or a college, for the Army—a new way of doing things, a new way of looking at things. People, in other words, with vision.
Another awesome post from the Invisible Children blog.
I honestly cannot remember the last time I made a New Year's Resolution. I'm not a big New Year's girl (I usually just hang out with friends) and everyone I know who sets them usually breaks them within a few months.
All that said, I'm trying it out this year. I figured that with the big changes coming this year (hopefully I'll be moving and in a job after I graduate in April) it was time to give it a try.
My resolutions this year are:
1) Blog more (and with some regularity).
2) Say no more.
On that first point, I read blogs much more often than I write them and I'd like to change that. I want to improve my writing and I'm a big believer in practicing. I originally started this blog to post about political topics (and have done some of that) but my goal is to just post about everything and anything to get some practice. This semester will be crazy (school, my new internship, work, all these damn weddings) but I'm going to aim for updating at least twice a week.
The second resolution will no doubt be more difficult for me. I am one of those people who feels guilty about everything (thanks Catholic church!) and hates to tell people no. I always want to help people and make them happy and have a very hard timing not doing everything I am asked to do. Next month I will be starting my social welfare internship and I've heard again and again that the key to being an effective social worker is keeping yourself above water. I want to enjoy my last semester of undergrad while being productive and successful. I know that saying no when I am being stretched too thin means that I can be more productive and more helpful to others. The key will be figuring out the balance and getting rid of that silly guilt.
Anyone else making New Year's Resolutions?
After successfully completing the last challenge, it's time for the next one!
Who: YOU (and anyone else you want to encourage to participate!)
What: Get rid of AT LEAST 20 items that you own. Donate 10 and ditch (or throw away) another 10. Go for more if you want, but 20 is the minimum here, folks!
When: December 27th, 2010 through January 3rd, 2011
Why: Giving back is always important and meaningful to everyone involved, but this challenge begins right after the holidays. How many times do you get a slew of new gifts and realize you have no where to put them? This challenge will not only help you make room for your new goodies, but it will also encourage you to give back to those less fortunate who may not have gotten quite as many things for the holidays, if any.
Where: Your humble abode. Whether you're cleaning out your closet, dresser, pantry, that "everything" drawer you've got, your garage, it's gotta be something that you currently own but don't really need.
How: Go through your things throughout the week and figure out which items you own that you don't use or wear (or hell, maybe they don't even function anymore!) and set things aside. The challenge is come up with a minimum of 10 things that are still useable that you can donate to the less-fortunate and 10 things that aren't even worthy to be given away and belong in the trash. Obviously, this is the kind of challenge where "the more the merrier" and if you can come up with more items to donate or ditch, power to ya, we encourage it! But some of us may be a bit minimalist to begin with, so we decided to keep the minimum at 10.
Got questions about the "Change Your Life Challenge"?
Email changeyourlifechallenge@gmail.com with any questions or concerns you have.
Just the other day I was thinking I should clean out my closet before Christmas because I have so many things I don't wear or use. I did it a few months ago but I always find things that I don't need. If all goes according to plan next year, I'll be moving out of my parents' house in the Summer and there is no way I can take all of this stuff wherever I move into.
Anyway, I plan to do this (though I'll probably cheat a bit and work on it the day after Christmas because I have the day off) and everyone reading this blog should to! I plan to update more this time (the challenge last week fell during my finals, tons of work, and my cousin's wedding) both here on my blog and on twitter!